Friday 7 February 2014

Inspired by God

                Oh my god! What have I done? I am a fool. By these social networks, I have crossed all my limits. When I do this, I insult my God Sachin whom I follow and worship every time. While reading his book Sachin- Born to Bat, my feelings have come alive again. Yes, I want to be a nice human being just like him. No matter I won’t be successful like him but at least people will remember me as a nice guy who never hurt their feelings in life. I am not feeling guilty for my deeds on stupid social networks site because I have already ask to forgive me for my deeds to him and I am sure he will forgive me.
Receiving Bharat Ratna

                As soon as I am turning pages of the book, I am smiling with tears in my eyes. Those tears are the tears of the feeling which I never had for Sachin. Sachin who became the youngest person to achieve highest honor Bharat Ratna of India in recent time, is ruling my life. Mumbai has always been my dream and he who has made it fulfilled. My years of prayers to him, finally completed when I saw him in his temple “Wankhede”. Now all I want to do is to meet him and kiss his feet because I love him truly. I just want to be like him, a nice guy. No one would ever blame me for my deeds. Someone who will come in my life as a princess (like Anjali came in his life) and she’ll help me be the guy like him. I respect all including my enemies whom I will answer them by efforts instead of quarreling and beating them. If I will be succeeded doing this, I will feel myself proud to be the devotee of Sachin Tendulkar. My each mistake, my each bad job will insult my God and I will deserve punishment for it.

                Even being away from the ground, I will be motivated by him every time. This is very short and very sweet moment for me. I want to transform myself according to him because I love him, I pray him and I worship him with deep from my heart.

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