Tuesday 29 September 2015

Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Ya

Ganesha @ Fiancee's home
So finally the city organized the best farewell of the most loved god with an elephant head Ganesha quite peacefully. Our 11 days guest finally left our homes. We all did our best, we performed all rituals well and in our case, we protected him the best. For me, this festival becomes very important for myself as my fiancée sponsored two charming idols of Ganesha at her home and made me a part of this festival. From bringing him to home and immersing him into the river, I stayed there and enjoyed the festival.

There were too many holidays during this festival so I enjoyed a lot. I visited different places in hometown while in Mumbai, I spent an entire night before immersion takes place. First one was the Lalbaug Cha Raja, the king of Mumbai where millions of devotees come to take blessing from him. I feel myself luckier to get “Mukhdarshan” in just an hour. It was a quite peaceful atmosphere as I selected the fifth day of the festival (usually the Gauri Ganesha are immersed) so there was no crowd.
A visit to Lal Baug Cha Raja
But recently the controversy is created when female police brutally beat a 21 year old Nandini Goswami when she asked to go from VIP passage. This is common thing at the venue. Couple of years ago, I was too survived from police’s attack. But this incident is recorded and inquiry ordered by CM Fadnavis. Though the girl was wearing shorts, I have heard that she was badly injured near thighs. Let’s hope she gets justice.

Fort Cha Ichchapurti Ganesha. Year- 70
The most memorable night I spent here in Mumbai was the night when I visited Fort Cha Ichhapurti Ganesha. It took even more time to reach him than Lalbaug cha Raja. I reached the venue at 1 am in the night and I came out from Pandal at 2:30 am. There was huge crowd and devotees came from different places. This venue became more famous after coming into the news suddenly because of their decorations. They have created replicas of Ganesha situated in different countries of the world. Average 40 people from abroad visited this Ichchapurti Raja in order to fulfill their wishes everyday. Ichhapurti Raja is famous for fulfilling wishes. Even I wished him to get my love couple of years ago and he gave me the best person in my life. So my faith for him is tremendous. One more factor I visit this place because my friend is a member of this organization. He is too close to me & I feel too happy to meet him always. Later I went to Khetwadi but seeking huge crowd, I decided to return Fort. At 3 am, I went to Marine Drive and waited. I found amazing crowd at Marine Drive too. There was not even a place to sit on a promenade. There were young boys and girls having fun in a pleasant night and there were so much police patrolling in order to handle situations. But it was a memorable night, I took 5:45 AM Gujarat Express and returned home.

The second day I returned my hometown and we went out to take blessing from an elephant head lord
Little Ganesha riding a bike
along with my girlfriend. We found very huge idols of Ganesha in different localities. As she never visited before, she found them too impressive. The most beautiful idol we found in Vegetable Market where a little Ganesha was seen riding a bike. We both were quite happy to see him. Mannat Na Raja is also famous for his ability to fulfill wishes. They hold different program each night like comedy, satsang, music and Gujarati dairo. They organize fun fair during 11 days and so children, too enjoy festival.

On 11th day, we finally bid a farewell. As we took him to our local river around 2 pm noon and immersed both idols, few family members also arrived for immersion. I was away from Mumbai but I saw the pictures of emotional devotees immersing their beloved god taking into their own hands and immersing into the sea. He finally left us with a hope to come back next year so that we can live happily and we could share love and respect. But as soon as the day of immersion ended, I got very disturbing video clip of some small and huge Ganesha idols are being thrown from the edge of the bridge from a truck. They are throwing the idols carelessly in a river. No one has been able to find out the place what it is. The images are too blurred that you can neither recognize the number plates of trucks nor identify the identity of police checking symbol. But it definitely raises a question whether these idols should be treated in such way when we love him & worship him from bottom of our hearts for 11 constant days? On one side, we allow Muslims to take ‘Namaz’ in Ganesh Pandal due to shortage of space and provide best example of unity and love while other side, we are making fun of our own religion by treating idols in such manner.
A girl kisses an idol before immersing into the water. Share by TOI

“Will he be happy after immersion?”

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Why do you need a little girl, at least once in life...

I woke up early today and fortunately there was a power @ home. There was power cut last night & I went asleep & I didn't know when it came. So I decided to get some news around this country as last night I missed it. My several blogs contain brief stories about women & children. But for many days I stayed away because it spreads negativity. It also distracts me sometimes but somehow I manage. When I was switching the channels, I got news about an eight year old girl from Delhi. Like the others day, that little girl went to school, attended whole day and while leaving the school, she found her neighbour had arrived to pick her up. She might have thought that her parents had sent him but she was wrong. That neighbour took her in an isolated jungle & raped her. When she screamed in pain, he slapped little girl, beat her in head and finally stabbed her to death...

Salman Khan with Harshaali Malhotra in Bajrangi Bhaijaan
Salman Khan is quite a smart guy. He is taking help of little girls to expand his business. We have found that stories of both his last movies were based on little girls. While he found his "KICK" in a little girl's smile last year and now he is helping Harshaali alias Munni reach her home in Pakistan. Quite inspiring as in real life he does the same thing. He has helped numbers of children by his BEING HUMAN organization. I am talking about little girls now & why must we have at least one little girl in life. Have you ever had an experience to spend time with a little girl? I had. And I can say it was the most wonderful part to know a mind of a girl. They teaches us, they inspire us and they fill our life with fun with their mischiefs. Bajrangi Bhaijaan is only a movie where Salman Khan sacrifices himself and makes each possible effort to take a little girl to Pakistan who is lost in India. But in real life it is harder for someone to make it possible. Forget about crossing border, if we are asked any child to help financially for his/her poor condition, we will definitely hesitate. There are so many unfortunate parents who have children in their lives but they may be disabled and they might not afford the treatment cost. Still they find smile in them. I saw a shocking case of Virar in Crime Patrol series on Sony entertainment TV. 10 year old girl who was mentally disabled was thrown by her own grandmother in a pond. Next day, her body was found floating by a local dhobi. When police questioned her, she told them that she couldn't see the pain of his son & daughter in law. However, a couple was happy with that little girl.

Girls in our society are being ruined everyday. Sometimes, their own family members, even their fathers are becoming monsters nowadays. I find similar cases everyday in newspapers, tv & even in Facebook. Little girls are gift as I always say. They fill our life full of fun. They have so many desires to be something in life. They are not aware of the present world which is definitely not a good place to live. It is our duty to keep them safer. Whether we know them or not but it is our prior duty to protect them & keep safest. And if we are failing to do so, we do not have any right to worship any god & goddesses because they come in form of goddess in our homes, in our lives to make it more prosper and beautiful just like them.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Time to remember mama Gothel. "Appraisal Time" has come.

It is the time to have lots of patience! Yes.. this is the time when your management will decide how much useful you're for their organization. You will be appraised by your organization. Soon skyscrapers of guilt, sadness & depression will start building around you. This is the time when you will have to keep calm. Be relaxed, because this is usual. And in case if you are working in an organization where the bosses get satisfaction by one's buttering instead of output, your patience will be put on a test. But a question is...

"When will you pass?"

I have seen many organization where there is a bunch of people who are always trying to impress their bosses by buttering them, either to get a promotion or  a HEALTHY increment. For example, I know a person who works in a reputed company. Working as a assistant, he books a bill of "Tractor Hiring cost" under the head of Infra Cost. If you a person sitting in such a big office, you must know the difference between two different costs. The same person is promoted to "Manager" that year! Strange! Let's take it in a hilarious way. What will you do if the same thing happens to you?

World of imaginations:

ACP Pradyuman from CID
Games of imaginations must be played. It relaxes your mind too, makes you happy & lightens your heart. Like ACP Pradyuman, he has been solving cases in CID for last 17 years. Have you noticed? He has never got a promotion till date. Still he is working faithfully with his team. Daya is breaking the doors since then, Salunkhe has even got his hair back but Pradyuman didn't get a promotion and solved almost 100% cases except the cases of rapes & gang rapes ( In 17 years, he wasn't given similar cases). Well this is the character that teaches you to wok hard in all conditions, with lot of dedication & with lot of courage & motivation. But this may be not possible in real life. You are usually frustrated when you hear about your appraisal . You imagine yourself in a character of Daya who breaks his boss' door & ask,"Sir! What is this?" Or, when you go to sleep, you see yourself as "Chris Gayle", your Boss is bowling as your opposition and  you are ready to take revenge. But this is not possible in real life, isn't it?

Time to get motivated:

Farewell of 'Devacha Mulga' Sachin Tendulkar
So then we come to the point to get motivated under this situation. You must have seen how Sachin Tendulkar retired from international cricket and gave his speech in the Wankhede Stadium. He didn't cry but he made many eyes filled with tears. But if you see the other side of his interview, you will be able to learn more about yourself. Why are you failing? Why are you so unsatisfied? And how should you be able to be like other without buttering others? He spent 24 years of his life in 22 yards. He did nothing except scoring runs, taking wickets & catching the ball. And see, today he has become a God. Ask yourself, "Are you able to carry on the same work that you're doing right now for 24 years?"

Patience will be the key...

Another thing he told about his coach Ramakant Achrekar, his coach who took him to Azad maidan, Shivaji Park to other places. In his 24 years of cricket, Achrekar never appreciated him. Your boss is not just only a boss but he is a mentor too. If he is the whole company, you are the shadow that follows him. And if you try yourself to get away from him, you'll either be disappointed or become useless for an organization. "Appreciation" factor should never affect your work ability. You are the only person who knows how much work you can do with less efforts and more efficiency. It is the matter of 'time' & 'result'. They will only wait when you will be able to wait. Anger, dissatisfaction, impatience & revenge are never gonna help.  

Patience will be the key...

And that's why I remember Mama Gothel here, my idol who always believes in one thing,


Sunday 26 April 2015

How much are we prepared for it?

Reading the newspaper headlines, I thought a dialogue of Sanjay Dutt from his movie Agneepath where he says,”Kya lekar aaye the, kya lekar jaoge?” There was everything about Nepal & the earthquake that hit the surrounding areas of Kathmandu, while India has too lost many lives. There are shocking images & videos coming from Nepal on my WhatsApp and I shared those in early morning local. Many commuters around me told if the same thing happens in Mumbai, what can be the results? I don’t know whether it would happen or not but if it happens, it will be a huge loss to both mankind & economy of India. A year ago, when I was travelling to home, a woman said that the Mumbai’s condition is stabled due to its citizens. If some people are committing sins, there are many people who are doing noble job to mankind. Therefore the situation is balanced and nothing can happen to Mumbai. After all, Haji Ali, Mount Mary & Sidhhivinayak is there to protect the city every time.

Life destroyed in seconds...
But what have the Nepalis done? I believe they are very innocent people but now most of their temples including mosques have been completely destroyed in this 7.9 magnitude tremor. Is the God responsible now for this? If we go according to the literature, he is responsible. Because God has created us and he has got all the rights to destroy us. No matter whether you’re rich or poor, before God, you’re just a puppet. Money is useless, property is useless. My friend who works on a 35th floor in Lower Parel based high rise told me today,”Chintan, Where would I go if the same situation arises? Lift won’t be the way, staircase will take much time. It is a matter of seconds and it is depended on its magnitude how strong it can be. We’ll have watch the show only instead of saving ourselves.” Last day when I was watching the IPL match between Royal Challengers & Delhi Daredevils at the Ferozshah Kotla stadium, many people were sitting silently. Not because of their team was losing but IPL is a moment to cheer for every team (Especially when local boy Virat Kohli is playing from RCB side). No matter where they are playing, any team is cheered. But crowd was silent. I feel they were terrified with the tremor they had earlier day. I know how it feels like. When I was in Delhi and once it was a minor shock at 11:30 pm and entire Safdurjung Enclave came out from house. Everyone including me was feared. Even during the match, after shock continued there.

Just believe that we are helpless against the nature. If we are living in Mumbai, we have to live on the edge of death. ’Surviving’ is the motto of each Mumbaikar and therefore we live with spirit. If anything is going to be happened, it is in the hand of nature or a God. We cannot stop them. Natural calamities are never forecasted. Just like the scientists fearing another bigger shock, what were they doing when 7.9 magnitude tremors hit Kathmandu? Why didn’t they predict? Even science cannot have some answers. Fate is ours and I always believe that we all must do good deeds always so that when we die, we are remembered for our services. Life is too small and there is a certain death and it is even unpredictable. Sometimes, money won’t be even useful when the death asks you a single question while you are on a bed,

You have just one minute left for your life. What do you want to do?” (You might be lucky if you are asked because in a minute, you can kiss your love, you can thank your parents for this lovely life and you can confess something about that you never ever shared with the world.)

Saturday 25 April 2015

Time to act!

Time to be a here Mr Maria....
Yesterday, a bunch of women knocked my door and asked my wife’s cell number. They are going to arrange “Morcha” due to the shortage of water. The place where I live in Vasai-Virar is facing lots of problem due to water shortage. My aunt is getting water supply at every four days. While water in our society us supplied on an alternate day. I told them that I live alone in the flat and there is no woman in my home. Usually cooperative societies do not allow single man to live in their apartments. They have objected so many times in meetings and once they also quarreled with owner who has rented me his sister’s flat. But all is good as his sister is married to a Mumbai cop and he attends meeting regularly. He has taken all my responsibility too. The reason why I have been able to establish myself in Mumbai, it’s because of a Mumbai cop who has supported me a lot. Couple lives in Andheri Police lane attached to Andheri Station. So till now, I am so thankful to a Mumbai Police who put immense trust on me and made me able to stand here. But somewhere, something is going wrong with Mumbai Police…

I thought many things would be changed after a local ‘Bandra Boy’ Rakesh Maria became the top cop of Mumbai Police. He made “Zero Tolerance” policy in sensitive cases for the crimes against women. But today, it seems his students are walking on a wrong path even after the principal has set restrictions in his institution. A year ago, the famous director of Bollywood Rohit Shetty dedicated a movie to Mumbai cops starring Ajay Devgn & Kareena Kapoor that showed how few Mumbai Police protect their citizens working for day & night. But has it been ended on a silver screen only? This is a big question. Mr Maria had assured all women of the city by setting “Zero Tolerance Policy” that the police will be quite friendly to them. But, have they been so much ‘friendly” that now they have got rights to rape woman in custody? Recently a model has been raped by three policemen. There was also a female cop present when she was taken into custody. Policemen took bribe too & model sent direct SMS to the city police commissioner Mr Maria. If this was horrible, another incident is even more horrible. You know how 5 year old girl raped couple of days ago and both Antop Hill & Wadala police quarreled to register case over jurisdiction issue. The girl kept lying in a bleeding condition entire night and doctor treated her only in the early morning at 6 AM. What if something would have happened to a little girl? It was luck of Mumbai police & Mr Maria that nothing happened to the little girl. The recent report has revealed that girl is now physically fit but she is in a mental shock. Doctors are arranging a psychiatrist for her to bring back her from a shock. Both inspectors are suspended.

But the biggest question is now for Mr Maria, how to control this situation? If the Mumbai Police fails to do so as promised by Mr Maria, surely he won’t be able to win trust of Mumbaikars. And so the golden times starts when he has to act instead of speeches. We know how Sunil Paraskar was involved raping a model few months ago that was highlighted in newspaper front pages, later one of a Marine Lines cop was caught with over 100 Kgs of Mephedrone  (Meon Meon) kept in his Satara home & his locker at Marine Drive Police station. No wonder but his police team also held Baby Patankar, master mind behind this scandal from Panvel while she was coming Mumbai in a luxury bus. Moreover when a singer Ankit Tiwari (accused of rape) performed in the show which was organized for Mumbai Police in presence of Mr Maria, second day Mr Maria immediately apologized.  So necessary actions are taken but somewhere Mr Maria should think about the common people like you & me. If we find ourselves in trouble sometimes and we want to seek some police help, we should be given proper attention instead of panic through which a father of a five year old girl suffered whole night, kept asking cops to take his bleeding daughter to hospital.  In a plush hotel based in Grant Road, where my friend works as an accountant, a woman from Ahmedabad was molested in late night by two Pune cops who were on official visit of the city. On the same time Mr Fadnavis took this matter personally and forced the police took necessary action against both inspectors. But the similar interest should be taken even in the case of a common man. It’s time to work on this for Mr Maria who has got such big opportunity to serve this city and he must have to try something different to make the image of his team ‘cleaned’ and ‘friendly’.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Not just Ganjendra died...

Today, 3 little children must be waiting for their father to return home. But they don’t know that they have lost the biggest thing. Their father committed suicide last day. What Gajendra’s father is going to do now? As they have lost entire crop due to unseasonal rain that caused an elderly parent made his son get out of his home. He was from Rajasthan & he came to Delhi to protest against the land bill. What would he be thinking during his journey from Rajasthan to Delhi? He must have been exhausted from current situation, he must have been full of anger, he must have decided that it was now the time to teach lesson to the govt. But who cares in India? Life is not that much precious as it is actually when you are living in a country like India. In the past when you’d die, you might be remembered like Bhagat Singh and Bapu but nowadays one death is nothing except political games those are played until the next similar incident occurs.

Gajendra's suicide note*
As soon as that farmer Gajendra committed suicide, blame game started. RaGa visited hospital immediately & blamed Modi, BJP blamed AAP & AAP blamed BJP. BJP even demanded 5 Cr from AAP to provide help to the victim’s family. (But why should AAP provide the compensation? Was that farmer belonged to Delhi? Did AAP created such critical situation? Did AAP bring the unseasonal rain? Did AAP pass the land acquisition bill? Moreover, Gajendra belonged to Rajasthan, so is it not the responsibility of Vansundhara to pay his family compensation? Few days ago, a Gujarat farmer died by a major heart attack after reading about land acquisition bill. As I am sitting in Mumbai, now I should talk about Maharashtra where ‘farmer suicide’ is very common thing. Mumbai, one of the 2nd biggest cities of the world, place of billion dreams and the financial capital of India, when people read about farmer’s suicide, nobody acts. They just kept turning the page. Situation of Maharashtra has been treacherous over a year. In 2014, total deaths of farmers were recorded around 1,981 while in 2015, in just three months period, 601 farmers have committed suicide!

Are we really ready to debate over farmer’s death? Or debate over a blame game? Or seek a political benefit? No. Try to involve in the pain of farmers instead. The current government has already proven that it is not a “Farmer Friendly” government. It has made numbers of farmers to live under immense threat. We should not forget that at all. The last day’s farmer death will not only be discussed in India but also it is going to be discussed on International levels as we have a PM who is considered to be amongst the strongest but why is there a weakness in the foundation (farming) of his country? I can say thet the more the farmers will die, the more this country will die....

(* Friends I am a son of a farmer. My father has got me out of my house  because my entire harvest has been destroyed in an unseasonal rain. I have got 3 children. I have come from Dausa District of Rajasthan state. Somebody please show me the way to go home again....

Jai Jawan Jai Kisan

Gajendra Singh)

Thursday 9 April 2015

Success is a thing of 'PATIENCE'

It was an era of Hrithik Roshan in late nineties and in 2K when he became a superstar and his debut movie KNPH created a world record by winning the most awards. While this side HR was writing his story of success, the other side, a star son, Abhishek Bachchan was struggling for a hit. I have been thinking for Abhishek for long time but I couldn't got time to write about him. I was in First Year of college and I went to one of the most reputed commerce classes of Valsad, KCC run by Shrikant Kanojia. As I've always followed him, he told our batch that one day, he will become even more successful than Hrithik Roshan. At the same time I loved Hrithik so much but I never felt positive about Abhishek B. But I realized what my sir was saying, could be turn right because many of his predictions proved to be right always. It was a year 2004 and now it's 2015. Seems like the star son is still struggling for the taste of success.

Refugee was quite appreciative but it couldn't do that much business as expected but tough role of Abhishek won him many hearts. Soon, numbers of flop movies started adding to his name as he might choose them wrongly. With Dhoom, everyone thought that it was the right time for him to come back but people loved John more as a villain than a flamboyant cop AB. Dhoom was a super hit followed by it's two sequels. Dhoom 2, HR was a villain and Abhishek was lost again. Dhoom 3, Aamir was a villain and Tweettaratis twitted,

"Yash Raj Films are Rajiv Gandhi Rojgar Yojna for Abhishek Bachchan & Uday Chopra."

The same message was circulated on WhatsApp. Times have changed, in 2004 we had no social media but now, you can be victimized by Twitteratis anytime. You must have remembered how Neil Nitin Mukesh, Yami Gautam ( Fair & Lovely Girl) and Alok Nath (Babuji) were treated on the largest social network platform. I was in Delhi and AB had just joined his Facebook page and I told him,"Hi.." Reply was given immediately to my post, "Hello..." I got so excited that I posted a message that I have been replied by AB. Someone commented my status, "Haan bhai... Kaam nahi hai toh FB pe hi rahega na...." (He's jobless so he can spend time on FB) I was feeling very bad at that time.But soon he married to one of the most beautiful women of the world, Aishwariya Rai. I thought now a woman may change his fate but nothing has been happened till day while photographers are still interested to get the sneak 'pic' of Aishwariya or their baby Aradhya. He is waiting.... and I am waiting for Shrikant Kanojia's words which usually comes true, anytime, anywhere. Time must be respected. Abhishek has got lots of patience and  owns a very good heart with such kind personality. After all, we should not forget what Mother Gothel says,"All good things to those who waits."

Wednesday 8 April 2015

"How you get the girl." ~ Swiftie

"I'd wait for worse or for better
I'd wait forever & ever
Broke your heart I'll put it back together
I'd wait forever & ever"

And that's how it works, 
that's how you get the girl, girl....

I think Swiftie has taken much interest in this song as I believe that this song is meant for her. I don't know how many times I have heard this song but whenever I listen to it, I feel that Swiftie has given more attention or dedication to this song than the other numbers of her album style. Have you ever lost a girl? Well, if yes, this song will help you recover the pain. This song will give you enough strength and you will gather courage to bring back your lost love. You can tell her that whatever was happened, it was your own mistake.

It's easy to say but hard to implement. In love, break up occurs because of misunderstandings & egos between two lovers. In many cases both people do not want to step aside, they are firm in their decision. They feel that they are 100% right in their decision (while actually they can be both wrong). If both people will think on this issue, they can easily come out from the situation if their love is true.You can hear this song often, you can share this song to the one who has gone away and you can show them that how much you have loved them and you will love them forever. Like she says in the other song "New Romantics" that the best people in life are free, the one you love is the best person and you shouldn't have lost them. Love means how much you respect, care & understand a person and if that person goes away, it means you're failed somewhere in your love.