Saturday 28 March 2015

Earn love, be loved.

The recent defeat of Team India against Australia in semis has proved how much people do care of their beloved in their tough times. Forget about Kohli-Anushka, it is all about our coolest and the most successful captains of all times, MSD. When I read newspaper early morning about the conditions at MCG & records against Australia there, I was feeling that it was too tough to defeat them even with 80% supporters in stadium. But the way how Australia played was tremendous too. India could not able to send all batmen to pavilion.

Proteas captain ABD shared emotional pic of Mahi, asked him not to cry.
But here we are talking about MSD. You wonder whether I have been writing too many blogs for him in last few days, like I wrote for Sachin Tendulkar when he played his last match in Wankhede, but I want to stand with Dhoni. He has earned lots of love with this World Cup. He won consecutive 7 matches and became successful captains of all times. He has gained crown in all formats of the game like T20 WC, WC, CLT20 & IPL at homes. As soon as match ended and Dhoni returned to the pavilion, the leading news channel of India The Times Now started showing negative reports about Team India. It's chief editor Arnab called it #ShameinSidney moment. Immediately the Twitteratis responded to the controversy and they made #ShameonTimesNow trending topic on social network. Twitteratis asked Arnab to apologize but he didn't. Even last day #ShameOnTimesNow was trending on Twitter. Many people blocked their page, many people 'unfollow' their page including me and they still demand an apology from Arnab.

This was not enough as many celebrities came forward for team India too but people gathered outside Dhoni's Ranchi's home to protest where the police took immediate charge. This is not the way how he should be treated. Cricket is a gentleman's game, players follow it but Indian fans don't. When Dhoni lost, he explained that the World Cup is not just only a trophy to keep but it shows that you have got the most powerful team in the world. The team with most powerful squad keeps this trophy. May be we're not the best this time. But we can conquer it again. "Anugachhatu Pravah", like the Kitty Cat says, flow with times. Dhoni has also told that he is fit and ready to play more games. There are many feelings he must have pushed during the WC ( he didn't even kiss her daughter) and so I am standing with him. An emotional status was updated by Sakshi Singh Dhoni last day indicated how exciting she was to meet her husband after long time.

Monday 16 March 2015

India's daughter then, India's mother now?

A 5 year old kid is asking her mother, who is working in a kitchen,

Momma! What is rape?”

This has been the most common and Mommas have nothing to worry or hesitate about if their kids ask this question but now they have to explain their children about all. 5 year old is not curious to know but the conditions or I can say that the atmosphere around our homes has been very critical. Today when a kid starts to understand what television is, it constantly watches news about rapes or molestations, when a kid starts reading, and it starts reading in news papers flashing headlines about the same. But innocent kids do not need any explanations, they need awareness. India is ashamed again. The news that has shocked an entire nation, 71 year old nun was gang raped in West Bengal. Now what? Should we welcome BBC to make another documentary, “India’s daughter”? Oh! Oh my god! I am sorry! This time it should be “India’s Mother”! Is this news not making India ‘Shame’ in entire world?

World has seen the mentality of an Indian men what they thinks about a woman by the documentary of Nirbhaya. And result is crystal clear; a youth was not given admission in one of the reputed international educational institute for being an Indian. Why are we hitting this axe on our own feet? I already feared about Nirbhaya’s documentary that the consequences will be dangerous. It will give no justice to the parents of Jyoti Singh and it will not even stop the incidents which happened with her on 16th December 2012. Today’s incident happened in West Bengal has exposed the mentality of Indian men differently. They raped not only an old woman but also they raped our country. They have forced all Indians to let our heads down under extreme shame. As I told you before that I am really not interested in these stories as I have gone through very bad experience three years ago. (And I am not in any mood to discuss about it). As this news is coming in light, we can say no women in India is safer nowadays because India is now producing such animals that are not even seeing how old a female is, they are interested in one thing... Sex. And they will continue rapes

Posters, candles, marches & documentaries are not gonna help now but justice on the spot will definitely stop these incidents. But what kind of justice do we want? Dimapur lyinching? Whatever happened in Dimapur was really unfortunate as angry mob killed an innocent youth. He never raped a girl because whatever happened between them was consensual. And consensual sex is never considered a rape. As I have come here in my hometown. My mother is reading news paper. My attention goes towards one of the news lines in Gujarat Samachar,

“Valsadma banyo ‘love jihad’ no kisso. Muslim Yuvak hindu chhokri ne lai bhagi gayo.” ( ‘Love Jihad’ incident occurs in Valsad. A muslim boy absconding with a hindu girl.)

WTF! Are you really from Gujarat Samachar? I believe GS is one of the most faithful news papers of Gujarat that has always think well before publishing anything. “Love Jihad” is a stupid thing invented by some idiot politicians. They are provoking people. A girl and a boy have all rights to go wherever they want. Love has no religion. In this case, a girl also stole all jewelries from home. Arre bhai! Taali kabhi bhi ek haath se nahi bajti… That boy is definitely punishable if he cheats the girl in future. But what will he do? He will first marry her with all rituals, then he will satisfy his sexual hunger with her and later he will dump her. She will be helpless… There are so many similar cases nowadays. I received a WhatsApp image of Mira Road murder last year where a girl’s body was lying in pool of blood in bathroom. The boy married her and killed her on the same night of their marriage. He just wanted to have sex with her and even confessed it to police. Women nowadays have become the reason of ‘enjoyment’ for men, especially Indian men. And I remind you that these are not ‘men’, these are cruel ‘animals’ that have forced almost every woman to think that all men are same.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Excuse Me! I need a phychologist!

If somebody will ask MSD whether anyone in the world can read his mind, there won’t be any I am sure. India has yet again won in Auckland in the last league match against Zimbabwe! And we are seeing the best performance of MSD along with his CSK teammate Suresh Raina. 92/4, everything happens for a reason. Chasing huge target above 280, India lost early wickets under before completing 100. When Kohli got out, we could see how crowd in Auckland became completely silent for a while. But this was the opportunity for the rest of the batsmen to show some power in World Cup matches. Couple of days ago, Sachin Tendulkar even said that he was unhappy for not seeing long innings from captain. Now he must be happy.  Suresh Raina & Dhoni were batting slowly and everyone knew (including me), if one of the batsman was gone, India would have been in huge trouble. But there was a relief in my heart that nothing will happen until MSD was there.

At one stage, the required run rate even touched 9.50 RPO, still I was feeling easy with situation because in the past I have seen how the required rate even reached around 11.50 & MSD won the match. MSD was not playing huge shots while Raina was making them possible with each opportunity whenever he was getting a chance. MSD not only played a role of “Captain Cool” but also became a ‘mentor’ of Raina. We saw how he was instructing him on various occasions. (You must have noticed how he was using Hindi language against the previous match with Ireland) His strategies are tremendous. There is no doubt about it. During his innings, he didn’t hit any helicopter shot but all wanted the situation when India needed 6 runs and Dhoni would come to bat. The situation came and Dhoni reminded everyone the moment of 2011 World Cup,
WC 2011, winning shot by MSD @ Wankhede.
at the Wankhede where he ended the match with a long six. This time he hit at the longest fence near fine leg area and ended the game! Happy ending for us, happy ending for fans at Auckland and happy ending of league games as India won all matches. Now India has won consecutive 10 matches in World Cups, Record partnership has been made between Suresh Raina & MSD. Suresh Raina won man of the match.

Farewell Brendan Taylor:

We should not forget the star performer of this match Brendan Taylor who was playing his last match today. He made tremendous 138 today and played fantastic shots all over the stadium. Because of this innings, Zimbabwe could reach such defendable total above 280 easily. They deserved even more but fall of wickets restricted them.  When Brendan Taylor was caught, many Indian players came to congratulate him. Suresh Raina was the very first one to come (I believe he must have whispered in his ears that he would take it from there, thank you. J), then came Virat Kohli & the last one to greet him was Shikhar Dhavan. But it was a complete entertainment when he was batting. We hope these victories keep continue. Now the journey will become tougher as the best teams of the tournaments are going to collide. Bangladesh next, and for people like you & me, office first, we’ll definitely miss the excitement!

Sunday 8 March 2015

This women's day is dedicated to Demi

Women’s day is very important in my life. As last year I was immensely inspired by Mrs Muskaan, now I have known Demi Lovato very well. She has been the greatest strength of my life. From my loneliness to my health, she has solved most of my problems of life with her inspirational book Staying Strong 365 a day. So this day I am dedicating completely to her.

I moved to Mumbai in September 2013. Since then I was suffering from cold and flu. I went to many doctors but no one could cure this. I was tired; I met Dr Chetna from Ludhiana on social network. I am thankful that she tried her best to make me free from my problems but I could not. Then I found Dr Harshada here in Virar but I wasn’t satisfied with her treatment. Then suddenly I was reading Demi’s book. She has described everything in her book about her problems & diseases and how she managed to get out of it. It is truly inspiring. Then I realized that I have not got similar problems like her. I am not a drug addict, no one bullies me and no one can break my heart. I realized how life is most beautiful & our body is even more beautiful. During sneezing, I was also getting back ache many times and I thought to end my life too because I was completely tired of it. I hated my body for having such issues. Demi taught me to love my body. She says that we must be thankful to God for having this beautiful body and love it how the way it is.

When I went to leave my mother in a train today, I saw a man selling ear phones in 30 Rs. He was tall and handsome but he was blind. I realized how he was working hard even without eyes. Instead of begging, he is working. Similarly I find a man selling Aggarbatties early morning in local from Mumbai Central to Churchgate. These guys are truly inspiring and they melt my heart. Demi has also taught me how to respect each and every person living on earth, no matter who he is. A rich, a poor, a good one, a bad one, they are all similar. She says when you’re confronting a bad person, close your eyes and think how he must have been as a kid, and when you will open your eyes, you will see a different person in him. I know there are many things in life are too hard to implement when you fallow an inspirational book but remember that it is not impossible. Life is a gift and it is most beautiful. I am really thankful to Demi Lovato who has made me a true “Lovatic”. I wish she visits India & I will be able to meet her once. Today, I am living happily. When I am alone, she is always with me, when I am feeling not well, I remember her beautiful words, when I think that I am no more important for others, she reminds how important my life is… first for myself & secondly for others. I really love you Demi.

& Here comes the Women's day!

It’s 8th march,an International Women’s Day! And see everyone is celebrating as they enjoyed Holi few days ago. This time I am not interested at all. In the morning I am opening my Facebook application and getting news. I think it was a post from Indiatimes.

300 rapes & 500 molestations cases registered in Delhi in last two months.

Delhi has certainly become the rape capital of India. Again and again I am asking whether we should really celebrate this day. And even if we celebrate, what about those who have suffered from a brutality from rape or gang rape? Forget Nirbhaya and her recent controversy over her documentary being showed by BBC, we just want her soul to rest in peace. I am sure wherever she is; she is living a happy life instead of living between cruel & ‘lust’ hungry animals’ society. Here we are talking about women’s day. For men like us, what we‘d to do and what we should not? For many days I am seeing viral videos & comments by women how they are feeling uncomfortable around while roaming outside. I have pointed out some solutions here. Duties of men do not end with the time when they leave the office; protecting women must be a prior duty in men’s life. But he must take care of several things.

·         There is strict law for stalking a woman. I have found many men (from younger to older) kept staring woman from local or metro. While I was in Delhi, I also read somewhere on Facebook or Twitter, “If you want to experience heaven in Delhi, board the last car of Delhi Metro”. Obviously when you will board in the last car, the first car of the metro running on an opposite side will have a ladies car. So one side men think they protect women but by stalking they are doing nothing but committing crime.  

·         In last year, couple of incidents took place on Link Road, Mumbai where two women were harassed. Both women belonged to film industry. In one incident, an actress went for shopping in an auto and a thief tried to steal her purse. She chased him and caught him alone but that guy slapped her while protesting. He tried to run away but that woman didn’t make him escape. Crowd watched this incident like spectators watching a cricket match. While in other incident, another actress was driving a car on Link Road, somehow her car brushed a businessman’s car. He came out and started slapping the actress. Again the crowd became spectators….. Matter ended up in a police station.  This doesn’t make us men.

·         By lighting up candles and protesting by a march, none can make the difference. Remember 16th December incident, even more people gathered near India Gate than the people gathered on a day of Independence. I remember one of my Twitter followers Neha who was protesting over there, she said that many girls didn’t even move for last four days. They have not gone home. They have not even properly eaten. But what happened later? As I am writing this blog, I am getting news from Indiatimes that Nirbhaya incident has been repeated in Ahmadabad. A six year old girl has been molested (with an iron rod). Remember, today is a women’s day… Nothing happens with candles & marches.

·         With this incident came in light today, I have been finding how little girls are being victimized. Since 2009 when I was living in Surat, several cases came in light about little girls how they were molested and in many cases; they were raped and killed in an isolated places. If you are seeing a little girl and you are growing any kind of intention inside yourself, then you’re a worse animal on this universe. You don’t deserve to live here.

Just remember that we are here today because of a woman. ‘She’ has brought us here and we must thank them to let us allow seeing this beautiful world. But what do men see today? Beautiful women instead of beautiful world. There are few women I have been following for last couple of years. I put my mother aside here (because I am nothing without her), I met Mrs Muskaan (Vartik Sapra) is truly my biggest inspiration. Then I knew Demi Lovato & her life. I ordered her book straight from New York which changed my life (My next blog will be about her) & third one is Katy Perry. She taught me “अनुगच्छतु प्रवाह”, that means, flow with the time. Yes flow with the time! The best message I ever got. Women are free to do anything. And that is why we celebrate an “Independence Day”. If we are restricting their lives, we should stay away from independence. We have no right to celebrate it. So flow with times. The more you’ll think, the more you’ll find yourself under anxiety.

So then you’ll be free to celebrate a Women’s day. To respect a woman, first you have to remove these toxics from yourself. You have to be free first to give women their freedom. Or in future, there will be uncountable “Nirbhayas”.