Monday, 11 November 2013

How to control your 60,000 thoughts?

                A normal human thinks average 60,000 thoughts in a day. Thoughts decide future and human builds his own future by thinking in a proper way. Once, thinking is under control, no one can stop you reaching your destination. Not even the God because you become a superior, undefeated and successful enough to control things around you. But it is never possible if one of those thoughts you are thinking will be a negative. Probably it will destroy your 59,999 thoughts and mislead you.

We're the creator of the situation we're in. Stop Blaming.
We all know that “An empty mind is a home for Devil” and once we get into the situation, we find it hard to come out. Although we try to think positive, but we can only show people that we are thinking positive but actually we are still there in our inner world which is quite complicated and problematic. This is the situation we need to come out and control our thoughts in a beautiful way. I have got the simple way to do it. Well here they are,

·         Read Newspapers (Improve GK in current affairs and don’t panic reading sensitive articles by involving yourself in them)

·         Children are gift of God. Imagine yourself playing with the child you like the most. Either it is yours or somebody else’s. It will definitely make you relaxed in a situation like that.

·         Always keep the company of good books with you. In that case, I must recommend Robin Sharma’s books which are nothing but the hidden treasure of life how to live it. I bet you will read those 100 times without being bored .One of the best of him is “Who will cry when you die” which is available in almost every major language in India.

·         Stop seeing those stupid reality shows on TV.

·         Make the less use of social networks. A recent survey has proven that Facebook creates much anxiety. And so the WhatApp when you’re seeing your crush’s last seen. If you’re feeling lonely with unnecessary thoughts, have bananas with you. Bananas have tremendous power to heal you from loneliness.

·         “Love” is the most beautiful gift. If you have your love than please do not doubt, do not hurt and do not ignore. The more you respect your love, the more you get from them and the more you doubt them, the more it will be complicated .It’s also a matter of thinking.

·         If you hate someone than stop thinking about them. Leave them on their own.

·         And the biggest one is hard to apply yet it is the most effective. Replace the bad thought immediately with a good one which is implemented by almost every successful person of the world.

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