Wednesday 13 November 2013

Dear God, Your Temple is ready...

                We’re just a day away when we are seeing our god in his own temple, Wankhede in Mumbai. Well my office is just around corner but I cannot be able to watch him because of unavailability of tickets. I will get myself satisfied by hearing the noise of the crowd sitting in the temple. I always wished along my life that I was a bird who knew Sachin Tendulkar very well amongst all the birds and whenever he played, I would have gone to witness him regularly in his temple and in the last test he would hit a stroke towards the stand where I would be sitting and the ball would hit me with its speed which would cause my immediate death.

Wankhede, Temple of Sachin Tendulkar
Well, it is the end of cricket in my life when my God retires after 24 years of tremendous cricket. What has he given to the country? Cricket….. If he wasn’t here, no one would have ever known what cricket was and your child would never ask you for a cricket bat or ball. He is the guy who has provided the opportunity to make business of cricket kits. Playing last game at the Wankhede, Sachin is well prepared and so the securities too. It is considered the highest secured place ever in India, the Wankhede Stadium during the Test match between WI & India. Have a look how much the temple of Sachin Tendulkar gonna be secured….

·         Numbers of Deputy Commissioners- 3

·         Maharashtra Police (Male)- 850

·         ACPs- 18

·         Police Inspectors- 35

·         Sub Inspectors- 90

·         Maharashtra Police (Female)- 200

·         Bomb detective & disposal squad- 6

·         Quick Response Team- 12 Teams

·         Emergency Vehicles – 16

·         SRPF- 6 Companies

·         CCTV Cameras- 352

                Apart from the ground securities, the South Mumbai has been declared “No Flying Zone” during the five days game play. So do you feel if I was a bird and I had gone to see Sachin Tendulkar, would have I been survived???? 

I’ll be back with more on Sachin. Have a nice day guys.

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